Review of Management and Economic Engineering

9th International Management Conference

RMEE2024 - Rethinking Management in Adaptive Environments

Call for Papers

In today’s rapidly evolving world, organizations face enormous challenges brought by unprecedented technological advancements, like the rise of artificial intelligence, globalization, climate change, geo-political conflicts, and pandemics. Managers do not have anymore the option of relying only on traditional management approaches to navigate these very turbulent waters; agile strategies, resilience, change management, digital transformation, innovation and creativity, have all become must-haves in business. As organizations operate in more volatile, uncertain, complex, and fast-changing environments than ever before, the RMEE conference aims to explore the challenges and opportunities organizations face in these new realities and how management practices can be rethought for increasing the resilience of organizations and for enabling them not just to survive, but to thrive in these environments.

This edition aims to attract papers that employ innovative methods, new theories and new empirical evidence that can advance our understanding of how management practices can be rethought and redesigned to enable organizations thrive in these complex changing environments. Within the scope of the conference, organizers invite contributions that may address a range of different questions and issues on topics of interest including, but not limited to: business management, entrepreneurship and innovation, digitalization and technology, sustainable development, organizational performance, human resources, education.

Conference Proceedings – RMEE2024 – have been indexed in the Zenodo database, and has also been submitted for indexing in Clarivate.
Important deadlines
Full paper submission: 15th of June 2024

Extended - 1st of July 2024

Acceptance/rejection: 1st of July 2024

Extended - 15th of July 2024!

Registration and payment: 1st of August 2024 Extended - 15th of August 2024!